About The 32BJ Maternity Program
The 32BJ Maternity Program is offered through the 32BJ Health Fund. It was created when we learned that our moms and babies don’t always get the care they need before, during and after birth. In fact, many women, especially women of color, are at a higher risk than other women for serious problems and longer recoveries.
To join the 32BJ Maternity Program, each hospital had to provide detailed information showing that they meet high standards for maternity care. The standards are set by state and national groups that measure the quality of maternity care.
By choosing the 32BJ Maternity Program, you’ll have the benefits of coordinated, high-quality healthcare and support, as well as lower costs. When you choose this program, not only will you pay less, but mom and covered baby will receive special benefits.
The 32BJ Maternity Program is open to members and their eligible dependents. Mom must meet the program requirements and contact the Health Fund to enroll in the program. After birth, babies must be eligible and enrolled in the 32BJ Health Fund to be covered.
Support for this work was provided by the New York State Health Foundation (NYSHealth). The mission of NYSHealth is to expand health insurance coverage, increase access to high-quality health care services, and improve public and community health